Staying hydrated plays an important role in your training and racing as an endurance athlete. Your training day or race day can be made or broken by the hydration decisions you make that day and in the days leading up to it. For over 20 years, Playtri coaches have been helping athletes create sustainable and simple hydration plans for their training and racing through performance testing and individual coaching plans.
As a coach, bike fitter, and a performance tester, I regularly get the question: “How do I get faster on the bike?” The simplest answer is: Ride more. However, that does not take into consideration of how your body interacts with the bicycle. So, the more accurate answer is this: You can ride faster on the bike by maintaining maximum sustainable power output while minimizing drag.
As many of you know, I spend a few hours every day getting to interact with retail customers at the Playtri Store. It’s a great experience for me as a coach, because I get to hear and consider all the questions that athletes have regarding the sport. It often leads to quality conversations that hopefully have a positive impact on the athlete’s training and racing.
Want to get a leg up on the competition at your next non-drafting triathlon? Looking to get started in draft legal racing? Developing solid bike handling skills will give you a decisive advantage over your competition and make you a more confident, safer, and faster triathlete.