In case you hadn't noticed, it got a bit brisk this weekend. Cold weather presents a different challenge for athletes practicing outside, and when you add precipitation proper gear becomes even more crucial. Athletes will get more out of practices and avoid unsafe conditions when they come dressed for the weather.
Following are some basic guidelines on what to dress your athlete in for various temperatures/conditions - while we always are able to bring athletes inside if weather is unsafe, we still like to get as much time outside when training for the bike and run, so athletes should always come prepared!
55-60 degrees and dry: Long sleeve technical shirt (or short sleeve with arm warmers), shorts, socks, shoes, possibly light gloves if athlete is extremely susceptible to cold.
55-60 degrees and wet: Same as above but add a light waterproof jacket.
50-54 degrees and dry: Long sleeve technical shirt (or short sleeve with arm warmers), light windproof jacket (bonus points if it can convert to a vest!), shorts, socks, shoes, light gloves, ear cover and leg warmers/toe covers if athlete will be on the bike.
50-54 degrees and wet: Same as above but replace the windproof jacket with a water proof one and the light gloves with something more substantial (and preferably waterproof)
42-49 degrees and dry: Long-sleeved base layer, short sleeve jersey/shirt, windproof jacket, base layer tights (bike shorts over tights if planning to ride), wool or other warm socks, shoes, cold weather gloves, ear cover and toe (or shoe) covers if athlete will be on the bike.
42-49 degrees and dry: Our youngest athletes will be moved inside at this point - older athletes should wear the same as above, but replace the jacket with a waterproof jacket, and make sure gloves are waterproof as well.
35-41 degrees and dry: Only ages 10 and up will practice outside in this weather, and they should wear a long-sleeved base layer, short sleeve jersey/shirt, windproof jacket, base layer tights (bike shorts over tights if planning to ride), wool or other warm socks, shoes, cold weather gloves, beanie (or balaclava) and shoe covers if athlete will be on the bike.
35-41 degrees and wet: Only Elite Team athletes will practice in these conditions, and they will only run, not bike. Generally on days like this we'll go back and forth between inside and outside. However, it's best to come prepared with the items listed above along with a waterproof jacket and gloves.
Always remember, even if it's cold outside athletes still need to hydrate - make sure your athlete comes with a full water bottle to EVERY practice. If you have an insulated bottle you can even fill it with a favorite hot (non-dairy) drink, which will taste extra awesome during a cold practice. (I like the Skratch Apples & Cinnamon flavor - tastes exactly like hot apple cider when heated up!)
If you ever have questions, just ask your coach! We want to help your athletes be ready to excel at every practice.
Have a great weekend, and stay warm!
Coach Morgan