Who doesn't love a fun date with your main squeeze???
Time might be limited but don't ignore the many benefits of pumping some blood for both you and your relationship.
Here are just a few DATE ideas to get you sweating together ~
1- Hit the Weights.
No, you don't have to 'lift the same weight'- but you can choose to do a circuit of 2-3exercises to tackle together.
Alternate who gets to pick the exercises in each circuit- you def will be challenged with someone else's favorites... only then to look like a champ when you throw it back on the next round.
2- Clock some sprints at the pool.
Grab your goggles and plunge into some chlorine together. Warm up easy and then hit some quick intervals (consider 25's)
with just enough rest to look over and wink at one another and take off again. If you are like me, you will harness your inner Nemo just to get that quick flirt in again!
3- Spin out sharp intervals
Jump on the trainer and knock out a quick 30min-1hr workout. Pack a punch with some 30sec efforts followed by 30sec easy spinning. There is nothing fancy here, but it is pretty 'hot' to watch your date go for it and no doubt it will be fun for the both of you.
If it happens to be gorgeous outside, hit the road together. I have heard couples say, 'they are faster than me' - guess what, the best riders in the world can ride with anyone, at any speed... so can you. Relax and enjoy the ride, silently work some higher cadences and/or low cadence, never overtaking your 'partner in crime' but rather just enjoying the scenery together.
4- Head out for a trail run
Trail runs are a great way to get outside together and enjoy the elements. The terrain many times demands that you take your time, don't rush and/or worry about pace. There's no hard rule to trail running- in fact, shame on you if you two don't take some time to 'hike' together and relish in natures beauty. Get outside when you can, take off the watches, and enjoy the cooler temps and something different than the pavement.
Ok, so you want to get your speed work in together- keep your intervals contained (aka: a track or neighborhood block) where you can encourage, high five, or 'good game' your mate as they pass on by. No pressure who is faster, simply lapping one another will give you the umph you need to conquer your goals.
Try out one of these workouts and redefine date night... just make sure your 'other' picks up dinner on the way home :)
Keep on training!
Coach Amari, see bio here