In a time where there are training apps, worldwide computerized platforms, more technology and access to the knowledge even at the age grouper level, “king/ queen” of the hill conquests & bragging rights…
Point made there are SO many ways to have “FUN”.
BUT WAIT FOR IT… “I am bored, this isn’t fun, I am not motivated…”
By the very nature of the sport of triathlon, triathletes are not satisfied with just one sport. We need 3! So it isn’t far-fetched to believe that athlete’s attention and passion may wain a bit. Good or bad, we are constantly seeking that next level or thrill to entertain our resilience and create a sense of fulfillment.
When we say we want to have fun, we hint at the idea of being happy to work out and train. Bear with me as I take a small detour to highlight “happiness”. Yearly, there is a world-wide study on which country is the happiest and what qualities dictate their level of enjoyment in life. They have found, year after year, that there is a direct correlation between one’s happiness and 1.Personal Relationships 2. Physical Health/ Well-being.
Based on this science, here are just a few ideas to help bring the excitement, social, & playfulness into your fitness.
Because the lack of racing this year, the need for both internal and external motivation, I created a group atmosphere “stretch goal” with my clients.
September, we did a 3day: ~200mile bike trek with just the chicks.
October, some biked The Double: 100miler Sat followed by a 100miler Sunday.
It was challenging & at moments daunting-
But they did it; they earned those cookies and beverages!
I encourage you to find at least 1 other person to create a weekend long goal.
You may or may not get to train weekly together. But the idea is that each of you are committed to some ‘event’ that scares you a little bit. Weekly check in on one another’s progress and hold each other ‘to the fire’.
Be ready, together, to tackle and conquer new obstacles.
Let’s be real, the holidays are around the corner and our sweat sessions may become shorter and shorter. I encourage you to find at least 1 other person
(the more the merrier), each week, one person takes on the task of creating a 30minute challenge. The idea, do ANYTHING other than triathlon.
(Tri folks, it’s ok to break a sweat in some other way than swim, bike, or running.)
Maybe you make these workouts social, challenging, & measurable-
Loser buys lunch!
A little positive peer pressure always goes a long way.
Have you ever seen or played a role in someone else’s health?
As any coach will tell you, this is one of the most fulfilling and fun aspects of the job. You don’t need to be “a coach’ to experience this.
Find a co-worker, friend, or family member who has showed interest in getting active and fit, but might have some reluctance or need that little push.
Suggestion, start simple: walking/jogging or easy cycling.
Whichever you choose, make sure it is encouraging, social, and repeatable.
It should not overwhelm them. Remember, this is not about your fitness rather this time should be about connection, positive, and fun for both of you.
TRUST ME- these workouts will make you smile. And don’t be shocked when your new workout partner begins to ask you about your training and racing… Nothing like the student becoming the teacher.
These are just a few brainstorming ideas to bring that pep back in your step.
Our quality of life and fulfilling experiences are highly dependent upon our relationships and creating living a healthy lifestyle.
We can & should apply these concepts to create a FUN atmosphere and energy!
Happy Training!
Coach Amari