Loving my TRI BIKE. Right time to UPGRADE!
I’ve been a professional triathlete for 7 years. My dad got me my first ‘competition’ bike when I was 18 years old. It was an aluminum frame Trek 1000 with rat trap pedals and I grinded on that bike. She was heavy, and she was my first bike love. After that bike, USA Triathlon gave me my first carbon fiber LITESPEED. I was so grateful for the upgrade. It was such a difference. It was lighter, faster, shifted better and could carve around corners like butter.
After that bike, in 2016 I got a new QUINTANA ROO, Red White and Blue bike. Training for the Olympics, I loved this bike. I was part of Team USA and I loved representing our nation.
After two years of riding hard and traveling around the world with her to over 20 countries, it was time for an UPGRADE!
Why now?
Sport is constantly changing. Technology is upgrading, products are becoming faster and more efficient. In a sport like triathlon, it is important to have the best gear to compete with the best women. Cycling is different than swimming or running where your products are limited. The bike can make all the difference. Not just physically, but mentally. I felt like after two years on this bike, I have really worn her out. There is new technology on bikes, better shifting, better brakes, better power that I need in order to compete at the top.
What do I look for in an upgrade?
1) A brand that I want to represent.
o I wouldn’t want to ride a brand that has negative energy. Argon18 is loyal to their customers.
2) A bike that fits my frame size.
o I’m small, I need a small bike.
3) A bike with new technology.
o Better shifting. Better brakes. Better power.
4) Components
o The frame is one part of the bike, but the components make it work. You have to have the best component to make her run smooth. I use Shimano Ultegra, because they are dependable. I ride Garmin pedals and power because it gives me the most accurate data anywhere in the world.
A good set of race wheels. You want to look like you are flying out there. ZIPP have been my favorite since the first time I rode them.
Make friends with your local bike shop or an online store you trust. I get everything from PlayTri because I know I can count on them for the best quality products and the most welcoming support when I need it.
Happy training & racing!