Meet Playtri Athlete Hallie Hackler
Why did you decide to do triathlon?
My mom signed me up when I was 6 and I stuck with it because I really began to like it!
How long have you been coached by Playtri?
Since I was 6! About 4 ½ years
Who is your Playtri coach?
Coach Meghan, Coach Mike, Coach Wes
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
To improve my run time and prepare for Middle School track
How is your training going so far?
Overall good. Swimming is challenging for me and I’m trying to learn efficiencies.
What is your favorite discipline in triathlon and why?
Running is my favorite because when I run, I don’t have to think about it. My legs just go!
Who is your favorite athlete/idol in triathlon? Why?
He’s not triathlon, but marathoner- Eliud Kipchoge. He’s so fast for so long!!! I also like Lucy Charles because I’m inspired that women can be really fast!
What race did you love the most?
Blackland because when I was on the run, I got to see my Playtri friends on the course.
What is your dream race?
What is your favorite meal the day before the race? And after the race?
Bagels with cream cheese before the race and after the race, bananas and chocolate milk
What are your best and worst memories from racing?
Best- When I see the finish line!
Worst- Hawaiian Falls- I was so tired after the swim/bike, I didn’t want to do the run… and it was really hot.
What is your favorite training session?
Track and drills
What training session do you dread?
Warmup for swim, cause it’s cold!
What have you learned from your playtri coach?
If you believe you can do it, you can do it!
Give us a fun fact about you.
I’ve made at least 20 friends from Playtri! I drink juice upside down. 😊
Are you ready to get a playtri coach? Get started at playtri.com/coaching